Authority 008
Kezdőlap - A MARC21 authority formátum - Authority 0XX
Indicators and Subfield Codes
This field has no indicators or subfield codes; the data elements are positionally defined.
Character Positions
- 00-05 - Date entered on file
- 06 - Direct or indirect geographic subdivision
- '#' - Not subdivided geographically
- d - Subdivided geographically-direct
- i - Subdivided geographically-indirect
- n - Not applicable
- | - No attempt to code
- 07 - Romanization scheme
- a - International standard
- b - National standard
- c - National library association standard
- d - National library or bibliographic agency standard
- e - Local standard
- f - Standard of unknown origin
- g - Conventional romanization or conventional form of name in language of cataloging agency
- n - Not applicable
- | - No attempt to code
- 08 - Language of catalog
- '#' - No information provided
- b - English and French
- e - English only
- f - French only
- | - No attempt to code
- 09 - Kind of record
- a - Established heading
- b - Untraced reference
- c - Traced reference
- d - Subdivision
- e - Node label
- f - Established heading and subdivision
- g - Reference and subdivision
- | - No attempt to code
- 10 - Descriptive cataloging rules
- a - Earlier rules
- b - AACR 1
- c - AACR 2
- d - AACR 2 compatible heading
- z - Other
- n - Not applicable
- | - No attempt to code
- 11 - Subject heading system/thesaurus
- a - Library of Congress Subject Headings
- b - LC subject headings for children's literature
- c - Medical Subject Headings
- d - National Agricultural Library subject authority file
- k - Canadian Subject Headings
- n - Not applicable
- r - Art and Architecture Thesaurus
- s - Sears List of Subject Heading
- v - Répertoire de vedettes-matière
- z - Other
- | - No attempt to code
- 12 - Type of series
- a - Monographic series
- b - Multipart item
- c - Series-like phrase
- n - Not applicable
- z - Other
- | - No attempt to code
- 13 - Numbered or unnumbered series
- a - Numbered
- b - Unnumbered
- c - Numbering varies
- n - Not applicable
- | - No attempt to code
- 14 - Heading use-main or added entry
- a - Appropriate
- b - Not appropriate
- | - No attempt to code
- 15 - Heading use-subject added entry
- a - Appropriate
- b - Not appropriate
- | - No attempt to code
- 16 - Heading use-series added entry
- a - Appropriate
- b - Not appropriate
- | - No attempt to code
- 17 - Type of subject subdivision
- a - Topical
- b - Form
- c - Chronological
- d - Geographic
- e - Language
- n - Not applicable
- | - No attempt to code
- 18-27 - Undefined character positions
- '#' - Undefined
- | - No attempt to code
- 28 - Type of government agency
- '#' - Not a government agency
- a - Autonomous or semi-autonomous component
- c - Multilocal
- f - Federal/national
- i - International intergovernmental
- l - Local
- m - Multistate
- o - Government agency-type undetermined
- s - State, provincial, territorial, dependent, etc.
- u - Unknown if heading is government agency
- z - Other
- | - No attempt to code
- 29 - Reference evaluation
- a - Tracings are consistent with the heading
- b - Tracings are not necessarily consistent with the heading
- n - Not applicable
- | - No attempt to code
- 30 - Undefined character position
- '#' - Undefined
- | - No attempt to code
- 31 - Record update in process
- a - Record can be used
- b - Record is being updated
- | - No attempt to code
- 32 - Undifferentiated personal name
- a - Differentiated personal name
- b - Undifferentiated personal name
- n - Not applicable
- | - No attempt to code
- 33 - Level of establishment
- a - Fully established
- b - Memorandum
- c - Provisional
- d - Preliminary
- n - Not applicable
- | - No attempt to code
- 34-37 - Undefined character positions
- '#' - Undefined
- | - No attempt to code
- 38 - Modified record
- '#' - Not modified
- s - Shortened
- x - Missing characters
- | - No attempt to code
- 39 - Cataloging source
- '#' - National bibliographic agency
- c - Cooperative cataloging program
- d - Other
- u - Unknown
- | - No attempt to code
Character Position Definition and Scope
Forty character positions (00-39) that contain positionally-defined data elements that provide coded information about the record as a whole or about special aspects of the 1XX heading or 4XX/5XX tracing fields. Undefined character positions contain a blank (#). All defined character positions must contain a defined code; for some 008 positions, this may be the fill character (|). The fill character may be used (in certain character positions) when a cataloging organization makes no attempt to code the character position. Field 008 is not repeatable.
Fill character is not allowed in field 008 positions 00-05 (Date entered on file) or 09 (Kind of record). Code n (Not applicable), when it is defined for a data element, indicates that the character position definition does not apply to the record.
These coded data elements are potentially useful for retrieval and data management purposes.
Guidelines fos Applying Content Designators
- 00-05 - Date entered on file
- Computer-generated, six numeric characters that indicates the date the MARC record was created. The date is given in the pattern yymmdd (yy for the year, mm for the month, and dd for the day).
- Date entered on file in 008/00-05 is never changed. The date and time of latest transaction information in field 005 changes each time a transaction is made to the record. The latest transaction information enables an organization handling more than one version of a record to identify the most current version. The fill character (|) is not allowed in any of these positions.
- 00-05 - Date entered on file
- 06 - Direct or indirect geographic subdivision
- Whether the subject heading system/thesaurus used to formulate the 1XX heading provides for subdividing the heading by the name of a country or other jurisdiction, region, or geographic feature. If the heading may be subdivided geographically, the 008/06 code identifies whether the direct or indirect method of subdivision is used. In an extended subject heading, 008/06 coding is based on the entire heading, including the subject subdivisions.
- Code #, d, or i is used when the 1XX heading is appropriate for use as either a lead element or as a subject subdivision of a subject access entry in bibliographic records. Code n is used when the 1XX heading is not appropriate for subject access in bibliographic records.
- # - Not subdivided geographically
- 1XX heading is not to be subdivided geographically when used in a subject access entry in a bibliographic record.
- 06 - Direct or indirect geographic subdivision
- 008/06 #
- 100 1#$aHorowitz, Mordekhai
- 008/06 #
- 150 ##$aBoolean rings
- 008/06 #
- 151 ##$aNestelberg (Austria)
- 008/06 #
- 180 ##$xCase studies
- d - Subdivided geographically-direct
- 1XX heading may be subdivided geographically using the direct subdivision method when it is used in a subject access entry in a bibliographic record.
- Heading is followed immediately by the name of the specific place to which the heading is limited without the interposition of a subdivision for the name of the larger geographic entity.
- 008/06 d
- 180 ##$xGovernment policy
- [Subdivision heading may be subdivided directly, e.g., Construction industry-Government policy-British Columbia.]
- i - Subdivided geographically-indirect
- 1XX heading may be subdivided geographically using the indirect subdivision method when it is used in a subject access entry in a bibliographic record.
- Name of the larger geographic entity is interposed between the heading and the subdivision for the specific place to which the heading is limited.
- i - Subdivided geographically-indirect
- 008/06 i
- 150 ##$aArt
- [Subject heading may be subdivided indirectly, e.g., Art-Italy-Rome.]
- 008/06 i
- 110 2#$aUnesco
- [Subject heading may be subdivided indirectly, e.g., Unesco-France-Paris.]
- 008/06 i
- 180 ##$xHomes and haunts
- [Subject subdivision may be subdivided indirectly, e.g., Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616- Homes and haunts-England-London.]
- n - Not applicable
- 1XX heading is not appropriate for use either as a lead element or as a subject subdivision of a subject access entry in bibliographic records.
- Heading is unestablished or is an established heading that is not appropriate for use as a subject added entry in bibliographic records (008/15, code b).
- n - Not applicable
- 008/06 n
- 151 ##$aCeylon
- [The name Sri Lanka is used in subject access entries.]
- 008/06 n
- 180 ##$xcatalogs by source
- [A node label record for a term that is not used for document indexing.]
- 008/06 n
- 150 ##$aPronunciation
- 260 ##$isubdivision$aPronunciation$iunder names of languages and subjects, e.g.$aItalian language-Pronunication; Names-Pronunciation
- [An untraced reference record used by a system that does not create subject subdivision authority records.]
- | - No attempt to code
- 07 - Romanization scheme
- Whether the 1XX heading field contains the romanized form of a name or uniform title and identifies the romanization scheme used.
- If the 1XX heading is not a romanized form, code n is used.
- a - International standard
- Romanization scheme used is an international standard, e.g., one of the tables published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
- 07 - Romanization scheme
- 008/07 a
- 100 1#$aŠalnm, Mošeh
- [Heading romanized following the ISO 259-1984 table for Hebrew.]
- b - National standard
- Romanization scheme used is a national standard, e.g., one published by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
- b - National standard
- c - National library association standard
- Romanization scheme used is a national library association standard, e.g., the ALA-LC Romanization Tables.
- c - National library association standard
- 008/07 c
- 100 1#$aShternbukh, Moseheh
- [Heading romanized following the ALA-LC romanization table for Hebrew.]
- d - National library or bibliographic agency standard
- Romanization scheme used is a national library or bibliographic agency standard.
- d - National library or bibliographic agency standard
- e - Local standard
- Romanization scheme used is a local standard.
- e - Local standard
- f - Standard of unknown origin
- Romanization scheme used is a standard of unknown origin.
- f - Standard of unknown origin
- g - Conventional romanization or conventional form of name in language of cataloging agency
- Romanization scheme used is a conventional romanization or the 1XX heading is a conventional form of name in the language of the cataloging agency.
- g - Conventional romanization or conventional form of name in language of cataloging agency
- 008/07 g
- 100 1#$aSternbuch, Moses
- [Forenames were romanized following the King James Bible version of the name.]
- n - Not applicable
- 1XX heading is not romanized.
- n - Not applicable
- 008/07 n
- 100 1#$aJones, James E.,$cJr.
- | - No attempt to code
- 08 - Language of catalog
- Whether the heading in the 1XX field and its associated reference structure (that is, the headings in the 1XX, 260, 360, 4XX, 5XX, 663 and 664 fields) are valid according to the rules used in establishing headings for English-language catalogs, French-language catalogs, or both.
- # - No information provided
- No information as to the language of catalog in which the heading is valid is provided.
- 08 - Language of catalog
- b - English and French
- Headings in the record are valid in both English-language and French-language catalogs.
- b - English and French
- 008/08 b
- 100 1#$aAtwood, Margaret$d1939-
- 008/08 b
- 110 2#$aNova Scotia Association of Architects
- e - English only
- Headings in the record are valid in English-language catalogs only and are not valid in French-language catalogs.
- e - English only
- 008/08 e
- 151 ##$aSainte-Martine (Quebec)
- 008/08 e
- 110 1#$aOntario.$tHealth Disciplines Act
- 008/08 e
- 110 2#$aVindicators (Musical Group)
- 008/08 e
- 110 2#$aLibrary and Archives Canada
- f - French only
- Headings in the record are valid in French-language catalogs only and are not valid in English-language catalogs.
- f - French only
- 008/08 f
- 151 ##$aSainte-Martine (Québec)
- 008/08 f
- 110 2#$aVindicators (Groupe musical)
- 008/08 f
- 110 2#$aBibliothèque et Archives Canada
- 008/08 f
- 110 1#$aOntario.$tLoi sur les sciences de la santé
- | - No attempt to code
- 09 - Kind of record
- Whether the authority record represents an established or unestablished 1XX heading.
- The kinds of authority records and types of headings identified by the codes defined for this data element are described in the Introduction to this document.
- Use of traced and untraced references and the reference note fields is described in the Tracing and Reference Fields-General Information section.
- 09 - Kind of record
- a - Established heading
- 100-15X field contains an established name or subject heading that is authorized for use as the lead element in constructing certain access points of a bibliographic record. An established heading record may also contain 4XX/5XX tracing fields for variant and related headings and notes recording information such as the source used to establish the heading and information explaining scope and usage.
- If an established 15X heading may also be used as a subject subdivision, code f is used in 008/09 when an organization uses one authority record to convey this dual function. When separate records are created, code a is used for the established heading record and code d is used for the subdivision record.
- 100-15X field contains an established name, name/title, uniform title, topical term, or one of these used in an extended subject heading.
- a - Established heading
- 008/09 a
- 100 1#$aMattern, Hermann,$d1902-1971
- 008/09 a
- 130 #0$aBulletin (Ahmadu Bello University. Dept. of Geology)
- 008/09 a
- 151 ##$aIowa$xDescription and travel$y1981-
- 008/09 a
- 150 ##$aChronology
- 680 ##$iThe term$aChronology$ior$aHistory-Chronology$imay also be used as a subdivision under names of persons, places, [...]
- [A separate record is created for the subject subdivision Chronology.]
- b - Untraced reference
- 100-15X field contains an unestablished heading that is not authorized for use as the element in an access point in a bibliographic record. The heading is not traced as a 4XX See ::From Tracing field in any other authority record. The reference record contains a Complex See Reference (260) or a General Explanatory Reference (666) field to guide the user to established heading(s).
- If an unestablished 15X may also be used as a subject subdivision, code g is used in 008/09 when an organization uses one authority record to convey this dual function. When separate records are created, code b is used for the untraced reference record and code d is used for the subdivision record.
- b - Untraced reference
- 008/09 b
- 100 0#$aDe la
- 666 ##$aNames beginning with this prefix are also entered under La (e.g., La Bretèque, Pierre de) or under the name following the prefix (e.g., Torre, Marie de la)
- c - Traced reference
- 100-15X field contains an unestablished heading that is not authorized for use as the lead element in an access point in a bibliographic record. The heading is traced as a 4XX See :::From Tracing field in one or more other authority records. The reference record contains a Complex See Reference (260 or 664) field to guide the user to established heading(s).
- 100-15X field contains an unestablished heading that is traced as a 4XX field in the record for each established heading referred to in fields 260 or 664.
- c - Traced reference
- 008/09 c
- 100 1#$aReger, Max,$d1873-1916.$tDies irae
- 664 ##$aFor this movement included in the composer's unfinished Requiem search under$bReger, Max, 1873-1916.$tRequiem (Mass)
- 008/09 a
- [established heading record]
- 100 1#$aReger, Max,$d1873-1916.$tRequiem (Mass)
- 400 1#$wnnnb$aReger, Max,$d1873-1916.$tDies irae
- 008/09 a
- d - Subdivision
- 18X field contains an unestablished heading that is the authorized form of a general or chronological term or a geographic name that is authorized for use as a subject subdivision in a subject access point in a bibliographic record. The record may also contain 48X/58X tracing fields for variant and related subject subdivision terms.
- If the subdivision may also be used as an established heading, code f is used in 008/09 when an organization uses one authority record to convey this dual function. When a subdivision may also be used as an unestablished reference term, code g is used when an organization uses one authority record to convey this dual function. A 15X heading field contains the heading in a code f or g record.
- 18X field contains an unestablished heading that may be used as a subject subdivision with an established heading.
- d - Subdivision
- 008/09 d
- 180 ##$xdrug effects
- 008/09 d
- 180 ##$xAdministration
- 680 ##$iThis term may be used as a subdivision under types of institutions, e.g.$aHospitals-Administration.$iThe term$aManagement$iis used under types of industries.
- 580 ##$xManagement
- 008/09 d
- 180 ##$xChronology
- 680 ##$iThe term$aHistory-Chronology$imay be used under names of persons, places, corporate bodies, sacred works, ethnic groups, and$aIndians of North America,$iand topical headings.
- 580 ##$xHistory$xChronology
- e - Node label
- 15X field contains an unestablished term that is the authorized form that is used in the systematic section of a thesaurus to indicate the logical basis on which a category has been divided.
- This type of heading may also include a designation of facet. The term is not used as an indexing term.
- e - Node label
- 008/09 e
- 150 ##$acatalogs by source
- f - Established heading and subdivision
- 15X field contains an established general or chronological term or a geographic name heading that is also authorized for use as a subdivision in a subject access point in a bibliographic record. One authority record is used to describe this dual function. The record may also contain a reference note field that explains the dual function.
- When separate authority records are created, code a is used for the established heading record and code d is used for the subdivision record. A 18X heading field is used in the subdivision record.
- 15X field contains an established heading that may be used as a main term and as a subject subdivision.
- f - Established heading and subdivision
- 008/09 f
- 150 ##$aChronology
- 360 ##$isubdivision$aChronology$ior$aHistory-Chronology$iunder names of persons, places, corporate bodies, sacred works, ethnic groups, and$aIndians of North America,$iand topical headings
- 008/09 f
- 151 ##$aGreat Lakes
- 680 ##$iThis term is to be used only as a geographic descriptor and may not be subdivided. It may, however, be used to subdivide topical indexing terms.
- g - Reference and subdivision
- 15X field contains an unestablished untraced reference heading that is also authorized for use as a subdivision in a subject access point in a bibliographic record. One authority record is used to describe this dual function. The record may also contain a reference note field that explains the dual function.
- When separate authority records are created, code b is used for the untraced reference record and code d is used for the subdivision record. A 18X heading field is used in the subdivision record.
- 15X field contains an unestablished heading that may be used as a reference term and as a subject subdivision.
- g - Reference and subdivision
- 008/09 g
- 150 ##$aDictionaries
- 260 ##$isubdivision$aDictionaries$iunder specific subject terms
- | - No attempt to code
- 10 - Descriptive cataloging rules
- Descriptive cataloging rules used to formulate a name, name/title, or uniform title 1XX heading in established heading or reference records.
- Heading formulated according to descriptive cataloging rules that is used as a subject access point in bibliographic records may also be coded for a particular set of subject heading system/thesaurus conventions in 008/11. If the 1XX heading is not formulated using descriptive cataloging rules, code n is used.
- 10 - Descriptive cataloging rules
- a - Earlier rules
- Formulation of the 1XX heading conforms to descriptive cataloging rules used prior to the 1967 publication of Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (AACR 1).
- a - Earlier rules
- 008/10 a
- 100 1#$aSmith, John,$dAug. 5, 1882-
- [Headings established using the A.L.A. Cataloging Rules for Author and Title Entries (1949)]
- 008/10 a
- 110 1#$aBirmingham, Eng.$bKing Edward's School
- [Headings established using the A.L.A. Cataloging Rules for Author and Title Entries (1949)]
- b - AACR 1
- Formulation of the 1XX heading conforms to the 1967 Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (AACR 1).
- b - AACR 1
- 008/10 b
- 100 1#$aSmith, John,$d1882 (Aug. 5)-
- 008/10 b
- 110 1#$aUnited States.$b87th Congress, 2d session,$d1962
- c - AACR 2
- Formulation of the 1XX heading conforms to the second edition (1978) or later editions of Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR 2) or published cataloging manuals based on the AACR 2.
- c - AACR 2
- 008/10 c
- 100 1#$aSmith, John,$d1882 Aug. 5-
- 008/10 c
- 100 1#$aFrancis, D.$q(Dennis)
- 008/10 c
- 008/09 c
- [traced reference record]
- 008/14 b
- [heading may not be used as a main or added entry]
- 100 1#$aReger, Max,$d1873-1916.$tDies irae
- 664 ##$aFor this movement included in the composer's unfinished Requiem search under$bReger, Max, 1873-1916.$tRequiem (Mass)
- 008/14 b
- d - AACR 2 compatible heading
- Formulation of the 1XX heading does not follow but is considered compatible with AACR 2.
- d - AACR 2 compatible heading
- 008/10 d
- 100 1#$aPiton, Phillip,$cMrs.
- z - Other
- Formulation of the 1XX heading conforms to a set of descriptive cataloging conventions other than what is specified by one of the other defined codes.
- Descriptive rules used to formulate the heading may be contained in subfield $e (Descriptive conventions) in field 040 (Cataloging Source).
- z - Other
- n - Not applicable
- 1XX heading is not a name, name/title, or uniform title formulated according to descriptive cataloging rules and is not appropriate for use as a main or added entry in bibliographic records.
- n - Not applicable
- 008/10 n
- 008/09 a
- [established heading record]
- 008/11 a
- [LCSH]
- 151 ##$aRed River Valley (Minn. and N.D.-Man.)
- 008/10 n
- 008/09 a
- [established heading record]
- 008/11 c
- [MeSH]
- 150 ##$aCommunicative Disorders
- 008/10 n
- 008/09 b
- [untraced reference record]
- 008/11 a
- [LCSH]
- 150 ##$aSecurity measures
- 260 ##$isubdivision$aSecurity measures$iunder particular subjects, e.g.$aIndustry-Security measures; United States. Atomic Energy Commission-Security measures
- 008/10 n
- 008/09 d
- [subdivision record]
- 180 ##$xCase studies
- 008/10 n
- 008/09 b
- [node label record]
- 150 ##$acatalogs by source
- | - No attempt to code
- 11 - Subject heading system/thesaurus
- Identifies the subject heading system/thesaurus conventions used to formulate the 1XX heading in established heading, reference, subdivision, or node label records.
- Heading formulated according to descriptive cataloging rules that is used as a subject added entry in bibliographic records may also be coded for a particular set of descriptive conventions in 008/10. If the 1XX heading does not conform to subject heading/thesaurus conventions, code n is used.
- 11 - Subject heading system/thesaurus
- a - Library of Congress Subject Headings
- Formulation of the 1XX heading conforms to the Library of Congress online subject authority file is used in conjunction with the LC online names file (when appropriate) and the lists of free-floating subdivisions and other elements in Subject Cataloging Manual: Subject Headings, all of which are maintained by the Library of Congress.
- 1XX heading conforms to Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH).
- a - Library of Congress Subject Headings
- 008/11 a
- 100 1#$aWagner, Richard,$d1813-1883$xPictorial works
- 008/11 a
- 150 ##$aPASCAL (Computer program language)
- 008/11 a
- 151 ##$aUnited States$xHistory$yCivil War, 1861-1865$xArt and the war
- 008/11 a
- 008/10 c
- [AACR 2]
- 008/15 a
- [heading may be used as a subject added entry]
- 100 1#$aShai, Mordekhai
- b - LC subject headings for children's literature
- Formulation of the 1XX heading conforms to the "AC Subject Headings" section of Library of Congress Subject Headings that is maintained by the Library of Congress.
- 1XX heading conforms to the "AC Subject Headings" section of LCSH.
- b - LC subject headings for children's literature
- 008/11 b
- 100 1#$aColumbus, Christopher
- c - Medical Subject Headings
- Formulation of the 1XX heading conforms to Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) and/or the National Library of Medicine authority files, both of which are maintained by the National Library of Medicine.
- 1XX heading conforms to Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).
- c - Medical Subject Headings
- 008/11 c
- 150 ##$aHospitals, General
- 008/11 c
- 008/10 c
- [AACR 2]
- 008/15 a
- [heading may be used as a subject added entry]
- 110 2#$aPan American Health Organization
- 008/11 c
- 008/09 d
- [subdivision record]
- 180 ##$xpharmacology
- 008/11 c
- 008/09 e
- [node label record]
- 150 ##$abiographies by subject
- d - National Agricultural Library subject authority file
- Formulation of the 1XX heading conforms to the National Agricultural Library subject authority file that is maintained by the National Agricultural Library.
- 1XX heading conforms to the NAL subject authority file.
- d - National Agricultural Library subject authority file
- 008/11 d
- 150 ##$aCosmochemistry
- 008/11 d
- 008/10 c
- [AACR 2]
- 008/15 a
- [heading may be used as a subject added entry]
- 110 2#$aFarm Credit System (U.S.)
- k - Canadian Subject Headings
- Formulation of the 1XX heading conforms to Canadian Subject Headings that is maintained by Library and Archives Canada.
- 1XX heading conforms to Canadian Subject Headings.
- k - Canadian Subject Headings
- 008/11 k
- 150 ##$aItalian Canadians
- n - Not applicable
- 1XX heading does not conform to subject heading system/thesaurus conventions and is not appropriate for use as a subject added entry in bibliographic records.
- n - Not applicable
- 008/11 n
- 008/09 a
- [established heading record]
- 008/10 c
- [AACR 2]
- 008/39 #
- [Library of Congress cataloging]
- 151 ##$aCeylon
- 551 ##$wb$aSri Lanka
- [In the Library of Congress authority file, both Ceylon and Sri Lanka are appropriate for use in main or added entries; only Sri Lanka is used for subject added entries.]
- 008/11 n
- 008/09 c
- [traced reference record]
- 008/10 c
- [AACR 2]
- 100 1#$aReger, Max,$d1873-1916.$tDies irae
- 664 ##$aFor this movement included in the composer's unfinished Requiem search under$bReger, Max, 1873-1916.$tRequiem (Mass)
- r - Art and Architecture Thesaurus
- Formulation of the 1XX heading conforms to the Art and Architecture Thesaurus that is maintained by the Getty Vocabulary Program.
- 1XX heading conforms to Art and Architecture Thesaurus.
- r - Art and Architecture Thesaurus
- 008/11 r
- 150 ##$acatalogs by source
- s - Sears List of Subject Heading
- Formulation of the 1XX heading conforms to the Sears List of Subject Headings.
- 1XX heading conforms to Sears List of Subject Headings.
- s - Sears List of Subject Heading
- 008/11 s
- 150 ##$aAutomobile insurance
- v - Répertoire de vedettes-matière
- Formulation of the 1XX heading conforms to the Répertoire de vedettes-matière that is maintained by the Bibliothèque de l'Université Laval.
- 1XX heading conforms to Répertoire de vedettes-matière.
- v - Répertoire de vedettes-matière
- 008/11 v
- 150 ##$aHumour canadien
- z - Other
- 1XX heading conforms to subject heading system/thesaurus conventions other than that specified by one of the other defined codes. A MARC code for the conventions used to formulate the heading may be contained in subfield $f (Subject heading/thesaurus conventions) in field 040 (Cataloging Source).
- z - Other
- | - No attempt to code
- 12 - Type of series
- Type of series contained in the 1XX heading field in an established heading record.
- Record may also contain series treatment information in fields 640-646. The codes distinguish between headings for monographic series and multipart items that are cataloged as a set and identify other headings that may be considered appropriate for use as a series added entry in bibliographic records, regardless of whether the series is actually traced.
- 12 - Type of series
- a - Monographic series
- 1XX field contains an established heading for a collective title that applies to a group of separate publications and/or subseries, each of which also has its own title.
- a - Monographic series
- 008/12 a
- 008/16 a
- [heading may be used as a series added entry]
- 130 #0$aBulletin (International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement)
- b - Multipart item
- 1XX field contains an established heading for a collective title that applies to a multipart monographic publication.
- b - Multipart item
- 008/12 b
- 008/16 a
- [heading may be used as a series added entry]
- 100 1#$aGreaves, Margaret.$tLittle box of ballet stories
- c - Series-like phrase
- 1XX field contains a phrase that is not being used as a series in a bibliographic record.
- c - Series-like phrase
- 008/12 c
- 008/16 a
- [heading may be used as a series added entry]
- 130 #0$aDawn books
- n - Not applicable
- 1XX field does not represent a series or a series-like phrase and is not appropriate for use as a series added entry in bibliographic records.
- n - Not applicable
- 008/12 n
- 008/16 b
- [heading may not be used as a series added entry]
- 130 #0$aDead Sea scrolls
- 008/12 n
- 008/16 b
- [heading may not be used as a series added entry]
- 100 1#$aShore, Kennethz - Other
- 008/12 z
- 008/16 a
- [heading may be used as a series added entry]
- 130 #0$aChinese studies in history
- z - Other
- 1XX field contains a heading for a publication that does not fit any of the other defined codes but for which series-type treatment is required.
- z - Other
- | - No attempt to code
- 13 - Numbered or unnumbered series
- Whether the 1XX field contains an established heading for a numbered or unnumbered series or whether the series varies between being numbered and unnumbered.
- Numbering characteristics of the series (or series-like phrase) represented by the 1XX heading.
- 13 - Numbered or unnumbered series
- a - Numbered
- Series is numbered. If the individual items in the series are traced as series added entries in bibliographic records, field 642 (Series Numbering Example) contains the form of series numbering to be used in the tracing.
- a - Numbered
- 008/13 a
- 130 #0$aStructure and properties of cell membranes
- 642 ##$av. 1$5DLC
- b - Unnumbered
- Series is unnumbered.
- b - Unnumbered
- 008/13 b
- 130 #0$aEPO dossier international
- c - Numbering varies
- Some issues of the series are numbered; others, published concurrently, are unnumbered. If the numbered items are traced as series added entries in bibliographic records, field 642 (Series Numbering Example) contains the structure of the numbering that is used in the tracing.
- c - Numbering varies
- 008/13 c
- 130 #0$aActualités de biochimie marine
- 642 ##$av. 5$5DLC
- n - Not applicable
- 1XX heading is not a series heading (008/12, code n).
- n - Not applicable
- 008/13 n
- 100 1#$aKimura, Toshihiro
- | - No attempt to code
- 14 - Heading use-main or added entry
- Whether the 1XX field contains an established heading that conforms to descriptive cataloging rules and, therefore, is appropriate for use as a 1XX main entry or 7XX added entry field in bibliographic records.
- 14 - Heading use-main or added entry
- a - Appropriate
- 1XX field contains an established name, name/title, or uniform title that conforms to descriptive cataloging rules.
- Heading is appropriate for use as a main or added entry in bibliographic records.
- a - Appropriate
- 008/14 a
- 100 1#$aSmith, Arthur D.$q(Arthur Dwight),$d1907-
- 008/14 a
- 110 2#$aAnnenberg School of Communications (University of Pennsylvania)
- 008/14 a
- 111 2#$aConference on the Quantitative Measures of China's Economic Output$d(1975 :$cBrookings Institution)
- 008/14 a
- 130 #0$aSerie Cuaderno de docencia
- 008/14 a
- 151 ##$aBuenos Aires (Argentina : Province)
- b - Not appropriate
- 1XX heading in an established heading record does not conform to descriptive cataloging conventions or the 1XX field contains an unestablished heading in a reference, subdivision, or node label record.
- Headings are not appropriate for use as a main or added entry in bibliographic records.
- b - Not appropriate
- 008/14 b
- 008/09 b
- [untraced reference record]
- 150 ##$aBadges of honor
- 260 ##$isubdivision$aMedals, badges, decorations, etc.$iunder armies, navies, etc., e.g.$aUnited States. Navy-Medals, badges, decorations, etc.
- 008/14 b
- 008/09 c
- [traced reference record]
- 100 1#$aReger, Max,$d1873-1916.$tDies irae
- 664 ##$aFor this movement included in the composer's unfinished Requiem search under$bReger, Max, 1873-1916.$tRequiem (Mass)
- 008/14 b
- 008/09 d
- [subdivision record]
- 180 ##$xMedals, badges, decorations, etc.
- 008/14 b
- 008/09 e
- [node label record]
- 150 ##$abiographies by subject
- 008/14 b
- 008/09 a
- [established heading record]
- 008/10 n
- [not established using descriptive cataloging rules]
- 150 ##$aSuper Bowl Game (Football)
- 008/14 b
- 008/09 a
- [established heading record]
- 008/10 n
- [heading not established using descriptive cataloging rules]
- 150 ##$aBeds in literature
- 008/14 b
- 008/09 a
- [established heading record]
- 008/10 n
- [heading not established using descriptive cataloging rules]
- 151 ##$aLoire River Valley (France)
- 008/14 b
- 008/09 a
- [established heading record]
- 008/10 n
- [heading not established using descriptive cataloging rules]
- 151 ##$aChina$xHistory$yMay Thirtieth Movement, 1925
- | - No attempt to code
- 15 - Heading use-subject added entry
- Whether the 1XX field contains an established heading that conforms to subject heading system/thesaurus conventions and, therefore, is appropriate for use as a 6XX subject access entry in bibliographic records.
- 15 - Heading use-subject added entry
- a - Appropriate
- 1XX field contains an established heading name, name/title, uniform title, topical term, or extended subject heading that conforms to subject heading system/thesaurus conventions.
- Headings are appropriate for use as a subject access entry in bibliographic records.
- a - Appropriate
- 008/15 a
- 008/11 a
- [LCSH]
- 150 ##$aSuper Bowl Game (Football)
- 008/15 a
- 008/11 a
- [LCSH]
- 150 ##$aBeds in literature
- 008/15 a
- 008/11 a
- [LCSH]
- 151 ##$aLoire River Valley (France)
- 008/15 a
- 008/10 c
- [AACR 2]
- 008/11 a
- [LCSH]
- 100 1#$aShai, Mordekhai
- 008/15 a
- 008/11 a
- [LCSH]
- 151 ##$aChina$xHistory$yMay Thirtieth Movement, 1925
- b - Not appropriate
- 1XX heading in an established heading record does not conform to subject heading system/thesaurus conventions or the 1XX field contains an unestablished heading in a reference, subdivision, or node label record.
- Headings are not appropriate for use as a subject access entry in bibliographic records.
- b - Not appropriate
- 008/15 b
- 008/09 d
- [subdivision record]
- 008/11 c
- [MeSH]
- 180 ##$xblood supply
- 008/15 b
- 008/09 b
- [untraced reference record]
- 150 ##$aBadges of honor
- 260 ##$isubdivision$aMedals, badges, decorations, etc.$iunder armies, navies, etc., e.g.$aUnited States. Navy-Medals, badges, decorations, etc.
- 008/15 b
- 008/09 c
- [traced reference record]
- 008/10 c
- [AACR 2]
- 100 1#$aReger, Max,$d1873-1916.$tDies irae
- 664 ##$aFor this movement included in the composer's unfinished Requiem search under$bReger, Max, 1873-1916.z$tRequiem (Mass)
- 008/15 b
- 008/09 e
- [node label record]
- 008/11 c
- [MeSH]
- 150 ##$acommercial catalogs by function
- 008/15 b
- 008/09 a
- [established heading record]
- 008/10 c
- [AACR 2]
- 008/39 #
- [Library of Congress cataloging]
- 151 ##$aCeylon
- [Although both Ceylon and Sri Lanka are appropriate for use in main or added entries in the Library of Congress authority file, only Sri Lanka is used for subject added entries.]
- | - No attempt to code
- 16 - Heading use-series added entry
- Whether the 1XX field contains an established heading that conforms to descriptive cataloging rules, and, therefore, is appropriate for use as a series added entry in bibliographic records (4XX Series Statement-Added Entry; 8XX Series Added Entry).
- 16 - Heading use-series added entry
- a - Appropriate
- 1XX field contains a heading for a monographic series, a multipart item, an occasionally analyzable serial item, or a series-like phrase that is appropriate for use as a series added entry in a bibliographic records, regardless of whether the series is actually traced.
- 1XX heading in an established heading record represents one of the types of series coded in 008/12 (code a, b, c, or z).
- a - Appropriate
- 008/16 a
- 008/12 a
- [a monographic series]
- 130 #0$aOccasional papers (University of Witwatersrand)
- 008/16 a
- 008/12 b
- [a multipart item]
- 110 2#$aAerospace Center (U.S.).$tJPC
- 008/16 a
- 008/12 z
- [an occasionally-analyzable item]
- 130 #0$aSIGOA newsletter
- 008/16 a
- 008/12 c
- [a series-like phrase]
- 130 #0$aDahood memorial lecture
- b - Not appropriate
- 1XX field contains a reference, subdivision, or node label heading or an established heading that does not represent a series. These headings are not appropriate for use as a series added entry in bibliographic records.
- 1XX heading in an established heading record does not represent one of the types of series coded in 008/12 (code n) or the 1XX field contains an unestablished heading in a reference, subdivision, or node label record.
- b - Not appropriate
- 008/16 b
- 008/09 g
- [reference and subdivision record]
- 150 ##$aDictionaries
- 008/16 b
- 008/09 d
- [subdivision record]
- 008/12 n
- [heading is not a series]
- 180 ##$xMedals, badges, decorations, etc.
- 008/16 b
- 008/09 e
- [node label record]
- 150 ##$abiographies by subject
- 008/16 b
- 008/12 n
- [heading is not a series]
- 100 1#$aIves, Charles,$d1874-1954.$tSet of 3 short pieces.$pScherzo
- 008/16 b
- 008/12 n
- [heading is not a series]
- 130 #0$aTreaty of Utrecht$d(1713)
- 008/16 b
- 008/12 n
- [heading is not a series]
- 150 ##$aSeries, Arithmetic
- | - No attempt to code
- 17 - Type of subject subdivision
- Type of authorized subject subdivision contained in the 1XX heading field in a subdivision record, an established heading and subdivision record, or a reference and subdivision record. Code n is used in all other kinds of records.
- 17 - Type of subject subdivision
- a - Topical
- 1XX heading is an authorized topical subdivision.
- a - Topical
- 008/17 a
- 008/09 d
- [subdivision record]
- 180 ##$xadverse effects
- 008/17 a
- 008/09 f
- [established heading and subdivision record]
- 150 ##$aFuture
- 360 ##$isubdivision$aFuture$iunder specific subject terms
- b - Form
- 1XX heading is an authorized form subdivision.
- b - Form
- 008/17 b
- 008/09 d
- [subdivision record]
- 185 ##$vCongresses
- 008/17 b
- 008/09 g
- [reference and subdivision record]
- 150 ##$aDictionaries
- 260 ##$isubdivision$aDictionaries$iunder specific subject terms
- c - Chronological
- 1XX heading is an authorized chronological subdivision.
- c - Chronological
- 008/17 c
- 008/09 d
- [subdivision record]
- 182 ##$y20th century
- d - Geographic
- 1XX heading is an authorized geographic subdivision.
- d - Geographic
- 008/17 d
- 008/09 d
- [subdivision record]
- 181 ##$zOntario
- 008/17 d
- 008/09 f
- [established heading and subdivision record]
- 151 ##$aGreat Lakes
- 680 ##$iThis term is to be used only as a geographic descriptor and may not be subdivided. It may, however, be used to subdivide topical indexing terms.
- e - Language
- 1XX heading is an authorized language subdivision.
- e - Language
- 008/17 e
- 008/09 d
- [subdivision record]
- 180 ##$xGerman
- n - Not applicable
- 1XX heading is not an authorized subject subdivision.
- n - Not applicable
- 008/17 n
- 008/09 a
- [established heading record]
- 150 ##$aElectroplating
- 008/17 n
- 008/09 b
- [traced reference record]
- 150 ##$aFatigue of metals
- 260 ##$isubdivision$aFatigue$iunder particular metals, e.g.$aSteel-Fatigue
- 008/17 n
- 008/09 a
- [established heading record]
- 110 1#$aQueensland.$bDept. of Employment and Labour Relations
- | - No attempt to code
- 18-27 - Undefined character positions
- Ten character positions that are undefined; each may contain a blank (#) or a fill character (|).
- 18-27 - Undefined character positions
- 28 - Type of government agency
- Jurisdictional level of a 1XX heading that is the name of a government agency. The heading may be a jurisdiction or a body created or controlled by a national, state, or local government (including intergovernmental bodies of all types).
- Type of subject subdivision heading contained in the 1XX field of a subdivision record, an established heading and subdivision record, or a reference and subdivision record.
- 28 - Type of government agency
- # - Not a government agency
- 1XX heading in an established heading record is not a government agency. Code # is also used in 008/28 in subdivision, reference, and node label records.
- # - Not a government agency
- 008/28 #
- 110 2#$aInternational Comparative Literature Association
- 008/28 #
- 130 #0$aBible
- a - Autonomous or semi-autonomous component
- 1XX heading is, or is authorized by, an autonomous or semi-autonomous component of a country.
- a - Autonomous or semi-autonomous component
- 008/28 a
- 151 ##$aSabah
- c - Multilocal
- 1XX heading is a government body that is authorized by a regional combination of jurisdictions below the state level.
- c - Multilocal
- 008/28 c
- 110 2#$aHouston Independent School District
- f - Federal/national
- 1XX heading is, or is authorized by, the government of a sovereign nation.
- f - Federal/national
- 008/28 f
- 110 2#$aNational Agricultural Library
- i - International intergovernmental
- 1XX heading is an international intergovernmental body.
- i - International intergovernmental
- 008/28 i
- 110 2#$aUnited Nations.$bSecretary-General
- l - Local
- 1XX heading is, or is authorized by, a county, city, town, etc., government.
- l - Local
- 008/28 l
- 151 ##$aMexico City (Mexico)
- m - Multistate
- 1XX heading is a government body that is authorized by a regional combination of jurisdictions at the state, provincial, territorial, etc., level.
- m - Multistate
- 008/28 m
- 110 2#$aCouncil of State Governments
- o - Government agency-type undetermined
- Jurisdictional level of the government body cannot be determined.
- o - Government agency-type undetermined
- s - State, provincial, territorial, dependent, etc.
- 1XX heading is, or is authorized by, a state, province, territory, etc., government.
- s - State, provincial, territorial, dependent, etc.
- 008/28 s
- 110 1#$aVirginia.$bGovernor
- u - Unknown if heading is government agency
- Cannot be determined whether the 1XX heading is a government agency.
- u - Unknown if heading is government agency
- 008/28 u
- 110 2#$aAfghan Cartographic & Cadastral Survey Institute
- z - Other
- 1XX heading is a government agency that is authorized by a level other than that specified by one of the other defined codes.
- z - Other
- 008/28 z
- 110 2#$aPatoka Lake Regional Planning Commission
- | - No attempt to code
- 29 - Reference evaluation
- Whether the 4XX/5XX tracing fields have been evaluated for their consistency with the rules used to formulate the 1XX heading in the record.
- Used to identify possible heading/tracing inconsistencies when a major change in the rules used to formulate headings and references has not been fully implemented.
- For example, in advance of implementing new rules, an organization may begin to add to its authority records a 4XX tracing reflecting the 1XX heading according to the new rules. :::When the rules are implemented, the 1XX headings in the database may be converted to the new rule form by switching the pertinent 4XX field and the 1XX field. The tracing fields in the record then must be evaluated for their consistency with the new 1XX heading. 008/29 is set to code b when the switch is made and then reset to code a after evaluation.
- 29 - Reference evaluation
- a - Tracings are consistent with the heading
- 4XX/5XX tracing fields in a record have been evaluated and are consistent with the rules used to formulate the 1XX heading in that record.
- a - Tracings are consistent with the heading
- 008/29 a
- 008/10 c
- [AACR 2]
- 110 1#$aMauritius.$bMinistry for Employment
- 410 1#$aMauritius.$bMinistère de l'emploi
- 410 1#$aMauritius.$bEmployment, Ministry for
- 008/29 a
- 008/10 c
- [AACR 2]
- 130 #0$aEconomic and statistical notes
- 410 1#$aGreat Britain.$bDept. of the Environment.$tEconomic and statistical notes
- 008/29 a
- 008/11 a
- [LCSH]
- 150 ##$aActing for television
- 450 ##$aTelevision acting
- 550 ##$aActing
- b - Tracings are not necessarily consistent with the heading
- 4XX/5XX tracing fields in a record have not been evaluated and may not be consistent with the rules used to formulate the 1XX heading in that record.
- b - Tracings are not necessarily consistent with the heading
- 008/29 b
- 008/10 c
- [AACR 2]
- 110 2#$aTucson Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce
- 410 1#$aTucson, Ariz.$bMetropolitan Chamber of Commerce
- 510 1#$wa$aTucson, Ariz.$bChamber of Commerce
- n - Not applicable
- Record contains no 4XX/5XX tracing fields.
- n - Not applicable
- 008/29 n
- 008/10 c
- [AACR 2]
- 100 1#$aAhlborn, Richard E.
- 008/29 n
- 008/11 a
- [LCSH]
- 150 ##$aBa (Egyptian religion)
- | - No attempt to code
- 30 - Undefined character position
- Undefined; contains a blank (#) or a fill character (|).
- 30 - Undefined character position
- 31 - Record update in process
- Whether a change in any field in a record is being considered.
- Organizations investigating the modification may be identified by the MARC code contained in the last subfield $d of field 040 (Cataloging Source). Code b alerts users to a potential change in a record after its initial creation. The completeness of the authority information contained in the record is indicated in Leader/17 (Encoding level).
- 31 - Record update in process
- a - Record can be used
- No change in the record is being considered and the data may be used.
- a - Record can be used
- b - Record is being updated
- Change in the record is being considered and it may not be advisable to use the 1XX heading in bibliographic records.
- b - Record is being updated
- | - No attempt to code
- 32 - Undifferentiated personal name
- Whether the personal name in a name or name/title heading contained in field 100 in an established heading record or a reference record is used by one person or by two or more persons.
- Code n is used if the 1XX heading is not a personal name or if the personal name is a family name (field 100, first indicator value 3).
- If neither dates nor distinguishing terms are available to differentiate between two or more identical names, the same heading is used for all persons with the same name. In a single authority record, field 670 (Source Data Found) may contain a descriptive term for each person consisting of the title of the work cataloged and the person's relationship to it, e.g., [Author of Speciall Newes from Ireland].
- 32 - Undifferentiated personal name
- a - Differentiated personal name
- Personal name in field 100 is a unique name.
- a - Differentiated personal name
- 008/32 a
- 100 1#$aDring, Madeleine
- 008/32 a
- 100 1#$aCzerny, Carl,$d1791-1857.$tRicordanza
- 008/32 a
- 008/12 b
- [multipart item]
- 100 1#$aWatt-Evans, Lawrence,$d1954-$tThree world trilogy
- 008/32 a
- 008/09 c
- [untraced reference record]
- 100 1#$aReger, Max,$d1873-1916.$tDies irae
- 664 ##$aFor this movement included in the composer's unfinished Requiem search under$bReger, Max, 1873-1916.$tRequiem (Mass)
- b - Undifferentiated personal name
- Personal name in field 100 is used by two or more persons.
- No distinguishing information is available.
- b - Undifferentiated personal name
- 008/32 b
- 100 0#$aDivine of the Church of England
- 670 ##$a[Author of A modest examination of the new oath of allegiance]
- 670 ##$aHis A modest examination of the new oath of allegiance, 1689:$bt.p. (divine of the Church of England)
- 670 ##$a[Author of Reasons against petitioning the King for restoring the deprived bishops without repentance]
- 670 ##$aAuthor's Reasons against petitioning the King for restoring the deprived bishops without repentance, 1690:$bcaption t.p. (divine of the Church of England)
- n - Not applicable
- 1XX heading is not a personal name or the personal name is a family name.
- n - Not applicable
- 008/32 n
- 100 3#$aGuelf, House of
- 008/32 n
- 110 2#$aUniversity of Denver
- 008/32 n
- 130 #0$aOccasional papers of the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre
- 008/32 n
- 150 ##$aBallet dancing
- 008/32 n
- 151 ##$aParis (France)
- | - No attempt to code
- 33 - Level of establishment
- Extent to which the 100-151 heading conforms to the descriptive cataloging and/or subject heading system/thesaurus conventions used to formulate the heading. Codes a, b, c and d are used only in established heading records. Code n is used in all other kinds of records. The codes defined for 008/33 apply only to the 1XX heading field. The completeness of the authority information contained in the record is indicated in Leader/17 (Encoding level).
- Extent to which the formulation of the 100-15X heading conforms to the descriptive cataloging rules coded in 008/10 and/or the subject heading system/thesaurus conventions coded in
- 008/11.
- 33 - Level of establishment
- a - Fully established
- 100-151 heading is fully established. The heading may be used without reservation in a bibliographic record.
- a - Fully established
- 008/33 a
- 100 1#$aSwarts, Robert L.,$d1942-
- 008/33 a
- 150 ##$aElectrons
- b - Memorandum
- 100-151 heading is fully established but it has not been used in a bibliographic record. The authority work was done before the decision was made to not use the heading in a bibliographic record; however, the information is retained for probable future use. When the heading is used in a bibliographic record, code b may be changed to code a or c.
- b - Memorandum
- 008/33 b
- 100 1#$aWellington, John,$d1958-
- 670 ##$aMicroform review ten volume index, 1972-1981, c1982:$bCIP t.p. (John Wellington) data sheet (b. 9/10/58)
- c - Provisional
- 100-151 heading cannot be formulated satisfactorily because of inadequate information. Further investigation should be made when the heading is next used in a bibliographic record. :::When the needed information is available, code c may be changed to code a.
- c - Provisional
- 008/33 c
- 110 2#$aFédération internationale de la précontrainte.$bWorking Group on Concrete Ships
- [The French form of the subordinate unit could not be found.]
- d - Preliminary
- 100-151 heading is taken from a bibliographic record because the bibliographic item is not available at the time the heading is established. When the heading is used in a bibliographic record created from cataloging with an item in hand, code d may be changed to code a.
- For example, authority records may be created for the 1XX headings in bibliographic records that are being converted retrospectively to machine-readable form.
- d - Preliminary
- 008/33 d
- 100 1#$aArmstrong, William Herbert
- 670 ##$aLCCN 56-1255: His Machine tools for metal cutting, 1957:$b(hdg.: Armstrong, William Herbert)
- n - Not applicable
- 1XX field contains an unestablished heading in a reference, subdivision, reference and subdivision, or node label record.
- n - Not applicable
- 008/33 n
- 008/09 c
- [untraced reference record]
- 150 ##$aCelebrations, anniversaries, etc.
- 260 ##$aAnniversaries, etc.$iunder names of individual persons and corporate bodies, under individual historic events, and under names countries, cities, etc.; and :::::subdivision$aCentennial celebrations, etc.$iunder names of individual corporate bodies, under historic events, and under names of countries, cities, etc.
- 008/33 n
- 008/09 c
- [traced reference record]
- 100 1#$aReger, Max,$d1873-1916.$tDies irae
- 664 ##$aFor this movement included in the composer's unfinished Requiem search under$bReger, Max, 1873-1916.$tRequiem (Mass)
- 008/33 n
- 008/09 d
- [subdivision record]
- 180 ##$xadverse effects
- 008/33 n
- 008/09 e
- [node label record]
- 150 ##$acataloging by source
- | - No attempt to code
- 34-37 - Undefined character positions
- Four character positions are undefined; each contains a blank (#) or a fill character (|).
- 34-37 - Undefined character positions
- 38 - Modified record
- Whether the record is modified from its intended content because it required characters that could not be converted into machine-readable form (e.g., nonroman characters) or because it exceeded a system-imposed maximum allowable length.
- 38 - Modified record
- # - Not modified
- Content of the record required no modification in order to be transcribed into machine-readable form.
- # - Not modified
- s - Shortened
- All of the data intended for the record is not included in the MARC record because the record would exceed the maximum length allowed by a particular system. The MARC 21 Specifications for Record Structure, Character Sets, Exchange Media states that MARC records have a maximum length of 99,999 characters.
- Some of the data has been omitted because the record would have exceeded the maximum length allowed by a particular system.
- s - Shortened
- x - Missing characters
- Intended content of the record contained characters that could not be converted into machine-readable form (e.g., nonroman characters, mathematical symbols). Organizations now romanize nonroman characters and describe special symbols by a word or phrase.
- Characters that could not be converted into machine-readable form due to character set limitations are missing from the record.
- x - Missing characters
- | - No attempt to code
- 39 - Cataloging source
- Creator of an authority record. If the cataloging source is known, it is identified in subfield $a of field 040 (Cataloging Source). The parties responsible for the MARC authority record are determined by the code in 008/39 and the MARC code(s) or name(s) in field 040.
- 39 - Cataloging source
- # - National bibliographic agency
- National bibliographic agency (e.g., U.S. Library of Congress, Library and Archives Canada) is the creator of the original authority data.
- # - National bibliographic agency
- 008/39 #
- 040 ##$aDLC$cDLC
- [Record was created and transcribed by the U.S. Library of Congress.]
- 008/39 #
- 040 ##$aCaOONL$beng$cCaOONL
- [Record was created and transcribed by the Library and Archives Canada.]
- 008/39 #
- 040 ##$aDNLM$cDNLM
- [Record was created and transcribed by the U.S. National Library of Medicine.]
- c - Cooperative cataloging program
- Creator of the authority data is a participant (other than a national bibliographic agency) in a cooperative cataloging program.
- c - Cooperative cataloging program
- 008/39 c
- 040 ##$aNjP$cDLC
- [Cooperative cataloging by Princeton University, transcribed by LC.]
- d - Other
- Organization that is other than a national bibliographic agency or a participant in a cooperative cataloging program.
- d - Other
- 008/39 d
- 040 ##$aWyU$cWyU
- [Record was created and transcribed by the University of Wyoming.]
- u - Unknown
- Creator of the authority data is unknown. This code is used when an organization transcribes manual authority data from an unknown source.
- In this case, field 040 lacks a subfield $a and subfield $c contains the MARC code for the name of the transcribing organization.
- u - Unknown
- 008/39 u
- 040 ##$cOrU
- [The University of Oregon is responsible for the content designation and transcription.]
- | - No attempt to code
Input Conventions
- Capitalization - Alphabetic codes are input in lowercase.
- Field length - Field 008 should always consist of forty (40) character positions.
- System-generated data elements - 008/00-05 (Date entered on file) is usually system generated. System generation of other 008 data elements depends upon the capabilities of an individual system.
Content Designator History
008/07 - Romanization scheme
- a - ALA-LC romanization tables [REDEFINED, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
- b - Larousse [REDEFINED, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
- c - ISO [REDEFINED, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
- d - Conventional romanization or conventional form of name in language of cataloguing [REDEFINED, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
- e - Other transliteration tables [REDEFINED, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
- x - Not romanized [OBSOLETE, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
008/08 - Language of catalog [NEW, 1997] [USMARC only]
008/08 - Bilingual usage [REDEFINED, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
- g - Headings valid in English-language catalogues; validity in French-language catalogues undetermined [OBSOLETE, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
- h - Headings valid in French-language catalogues; validity in English-language catalogues undetermined [OBSOLETE, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
008/10 - Descriptive cataloging rules
- c - Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, North American text, 1967 [REDEFINED, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
- d - Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, 2nd edition, 1978 [REDEFINED, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
- e - Non-AACR 2 form; decision to use with AACR 2 [OBSOLETE, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
- f - Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, British edition, 1967 [OBSOLETE, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
- x - No specific rules [OBSOLETE, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
- u - Unknown [OBSOLETE, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
008/11 - Subject heading system/thesaurus
- h - Hennepin County Library subject headings [OBSOLETE, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
- l - Library of Congress Subject Headings [OBSOLETE, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
- t - Canadian supplement to Sears List of Subject Headings [OBSOLETE, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
008/17 - Type of subject subdivision
- '#' - Undefined [OBSOLETE, 1986]
008/28 - Type of government agency
- p - Multijurisdictional (federal/provincial combinations or equivalent) [OBSOLETE, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
- q - Multijurisdictional (provincial /local combinations or equivalent) [OBSOLETE, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
008/29 - Reference evaluation
- '#' - Undefined [OBSOLETE, 1987]
008/30 - Conference/Meeting [OBSOLETE, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
- Defined values were: 0 (Not a conference, meeting, or symposium), 1 (Conference, meeting, or symposium), 2 (Unknown).
008/35-37 - Language of heading code [OBSOLETE, 1986]
- Records created prior to 1986 may contain a MARC language code or a # (blank) or a fill character (|) in each of these three character positions.
008/39 - Cataloguing source
- '#' - National Library of Canada [CAN/MARC only]
- '#' - Library of Congress [REDEFINED, 1997] [USMARC only]
- a - National Agricultural Library [OBSOLETE, 1997]
- b - National Library of Medicine [OBSOLETE, 1997]
- h - Hennepin County Library [OBSOLETE, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
- l - Library of Congress [OBSOLETE, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
- s - Agency responsible for Sears List of Subject Headings [OBSOLETE, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
- v - Université Laval [OBSOLETE, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
008/40 - Fill character usage [OBSOLETE, 1997] [CAN/MARC only]
- Defined values were: 0 (Fill character not used), 1 (Fill character used only in control fields (001-009)), 2 (Fill character used only in content designators of variable fields), 3 :(Fill character used only in the control subfield $w) 4 (Fill character used in control fields (001-009) and $w), 5 (Fill character used in control fields (001-009) and content :designators of variable fields), 6 (Fill character used in content designators of variable fields and $w), 9 (Fill characters used in control fields (001-009), content designators of :variable fields and $w).